INTRODUCTION Syarikat SESCO Berhad formerly known as Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation (SESCO) was privatized on 1st July 2005. It is owned by Sarawak Enterprise Corporation Berhad(SECB) and responsible for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in the State of Sarawak in Malaysia. |  | |
 | A BRIEF HISTORY OF SESCO In 1921, an Electrical Section was set up in the Public Works Department to look into public electricity supply in Sarawak. In 1932, the Sarawak Electricity Supply Company Limited was formed and was licensed to operate public electricity supply throughout Sarawak with exclusive generating rights. | |
The Sarawak Government held 51% of the shares while United Engineers Limited of Singapore 49%. On 29th August, 1952, the Council Negeri passed the Electricity Supply Ordinance No. 17 of 1952 giving the Sarawak Government wide powers to regulate the generation, transmission and use of electricity including the control on charges. |  | |
 | The Sarawak Government bought over all shares held by United Engineers Limited and became the sole owner of the Sarawak Electricity Supply Company Limited in September, 1953. | |
Since 1953, the Sarawak Electricity Supply Company Limited had been operating under the Government's laid down policy of: - running the Company as a public utility undertaking;
- developing all its existing installations to a state of efficiency to enable it to meet the needs of the population and industrial concerns; and
- embarking on new undertakings which, in the opinion of the Directors, is economical to do so.
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 | Under the Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation Ordinance, 1962, the Sarawak Electricity Co. Ltd. was dissolved and all installation transferred to and vested in the Corporation. In 1992, the Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation Ordinance, 1962 was amended to enable other parties besides the Government to own shares in the Corporation. | |
On 31st January, 1996, Sarawak Enterprise Corporation Bhd. (formerly known as Dunlop Estate Bhd.), a public listed company, bought over 45% stake of the Corporation from Sarawak State Government. On 1st July, 2005, Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation was fully privatized and changed its name to Syarikat SESCO Berhad. |